Categories Posted inin Italian cuisineRecipes 2 different ways to make minestrone soup 2 years ago 0 Comments 2 min Authentic Italian cuisine doesn’t only revolve around pasta as we often hear and a nice minestrone soup is one example. There are a few...
Categories Posted inin Pet carePet health Why do dogs sleep so much? 2 years ago 0 Comments 3 min If cats are most popular for being sleepy all the time then why do dogs sleep so much and is it something you should...
Categories Posted inin Pet carePet health Why do dogs pant? 2 years ago 0 Comments 3 min It’s too hot outside so that’s the answer to why do dogs pant, but it’s not the only reason and you should know the...
Categories Posted inin Pet carePets Why do dogs wag their tails? 2 years ago 0 Comments 2 min Why do dogs wag their tails and does it mean the same thing every time or is it a random dog behaviour that just...
Categories Posted inin Pet carePet health Why do dogs shake and what does it tell us? 2 years ago 1 Comment 3 min We tend to overanalyse our pet dogs but sometimes we look past certain things that seem harmless like shaking so why do dogs shake?...
Categories Posted inin Pet carePets 5 root causes for why do dogs howl? 2 years ago 0 Comments 3 min Some dogs like to howl a lot and it leaves us wondering why do dogs howl, or better yet why does my dog howl?...
Categories Posted inin Pet carePets 5 dog walking tips you should know 2 years ago 0 Comments 3 min Dog walking is that responsibility that not only needs to be done every day, but it takes you out of the house with your...
Categories Posted inin Pet carePets The best dog for first-time owners 2 years ago 0 Comments 2 min Getting your first fur companion is a hard choice to make and the best dog for first-time owners is even more difficult to narrow...
Categories Posted inin MealsPasta 2 at work lunch ideas that are simple and minimal effort 2 years ago 0 Comments 2 min When you’re on the run to and from work you can forget to eat so having some at work lunch ideas will help you...
Categories Posted inin Pet carePet health Why do dogs roll in fox poo and how to clean it? 2 years ago 0 Comments 4 min Dogs get up to some odd behaviours, one of which is rolling in fox poo but before we get too worried let’s see why...