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Creation myths

Creation myths have existed ever since humans became aware of their impending mortality and sought out meaning in their lives. Questioning where they came...

Women space travel on Mars

Exploration, curiosity, and discovery are a part of the human spirit and Mars is a very popular destination that we have not yet reached....

Irish stew – easy slow cooker

Irish stew is one slow-cooking dish that contains quite a flavorful rainbow and it is very easy to prepare and cook at home. Prep:...

Tardigrades blasted out of a gun

Tardigrades have been put to the test by scientists trying to discover the tolerance of space conditions of these creatures. The method employed was...

Churros – quick recipe

Churros are a very popular sweet dish in Spain and Portugal and their tasty fluffy dough is something you can make at home. Prep:...

Love around the world

February 14th has become synonymous with love and Valentine’s day is a celebration of love that has spread around the world. While many uphold...